Mission and Vision

In FAITH, we SERVE, we LEAD, we LOVE and we LEARN.

St. Madeleine Sophie School is dedicated to providing the highest quality education in an environment of Catholic faith and moral values.  We seek to develop Christian leadership by promoting active service in the wider community.  Our graduates will be equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities of life-long education in a diverse and complex world.

Building lives of promise.  Living lives of faith.


St. Madeleine Sophie School was founded on the premise that each person has a unique and dynamic relationship with our Creator.  Thus, our goal is to stimulate within the child a growing awareness of this relationship both as an individual and as a member of the Church community.  The result of this awareness is a child encouraged to become a creative and responsible member of society.

We acknowledge that each child has his/her own time and place of learning and a method and motivation for the things he/she will learn.  Furthermore, the sense of wonder and love of life is inherent in every child and must be nurtured.

Our commitment, then, is to facilitate an on-going self-education within the child and to provide a creative environment with opportunities for individual self-direction and decision-making.

As a Catholic school, we strive to become a community of believers where parents, staff and students seek to grow in the knowledge and love of God and one another.  In our pursuit of academic success, instruction emboldened by Catholic values functions as the underlying reality in which the students’ experiences of learning and living reach their deepest meaning.


Within the mission of St. Madeleine Sophie School, it is our professional goal to graduate students who have mastered skills enabling them to positively influence their world through leadership, knowledge, respect and service.

We accept the responsibility to form the curricular structure for a Christian Educational Community of the new century, shaped by a Catholic world-view, which empowers students toward interconnectedness; to live a life directed toward “We” rather than “Me.”

To accomplish this, we will strive to:

  • Engage in on-going curriculum development which is authentically rooted in problem solving and higher-order skills.
  • Establish standards that honor diversity and the values of justice, tolerance, community and relationships.
  • Recognize that all children can learn and hold high expectations for the success of each student.
  • Teach in ways that empower all students regardless of economic, religious, cultural, familial or educational differences.
  • Recognize that the leadership to achieve this end is shared collaboratively, not directionally, and each member has a responsibility to participate in the betterment of the whole.
  • Remain visionary and innovative in all forms of outstanding instructional practice.
  • Remember that we are not alone on this journey.  Education at St. Madeleine Sophie’s is not   something we do “to” or “for” families, but “with” them.

We, as teachers, serve as collaborators in a process in which students become able to actively participate in an increasingly diverse and technologically complex world. Our curriculum, instruction, assessment – and our continuing education to ensure that outcome – all need to embrace that understanding.