Recess Robot Team at Seattle Prep

IMG_3870 The SMS Recess Robot group attended the Robotics Extravaganza at Seattle Prep last Saturday, May 6.  These students in grades 5-8 have spent the last 2 months of recess time exploring the theme of how robots are used in the community.   After that, they planned, built and programmed a robot that can perform an important function in our community.  The fifth-grade team built a farming robot that could dig holes and plant seeds.  The middle school teamsIMG_3872 built 2 manufacturing robots – one that built Lego bricks and the other that provided a transportation network for helmets.

The two-hour long event was attended by teams from twelve other Catholic elementary schools in the Seattle area.   The purpose of the day was to provide a chance for students to demonstrate their knowledge in the field and try out other creations from participating schools.  Our students also had a chance to see the sponsoring high school team creations in action, stirring excitement to continue robotics in high school.  Way to go, SMS Recess Team!

